Seychelles Maritime Safety Authority

SMSA is a regulatory and supervisory body within the Ministry of Transport with its primary objective being to ensure that all mariners without exception, use and enjoy the seas of Seychelles and other water bodies, in a safe and lawful manner. SMSA is also responsible for ensuring maritime security and pollution prevention.

Recent News

On March 13, 2024, a pivotal meeting took place involving key stakeholders in Seychelles’ maritime and tourism sectors. The Seychelles Maritime Safety Authority (SMSA), in collaboration with the Seychelles National Park Authority (SNPA), Seychelles Coast Guard, Seychelles Hotel Association, yacht operators, Seychelles Ports Authority, and the Department of Tourism convened to deliberate on enhancing safety […]

This year, International Women’s Day celebrates its 30th anniversary and the theme is “For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.” We cannot truly advance as a society where half the population is persecuted. We need to create a future full of hope and opportunities for the next generation of women led by this generation […]
